Any questions you may have, we can answer.

Commonly Asked Questions

HVAC is short for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

You can find out contact information here.

Go to our service area page to learn where we service.

There could be many reasons (age, wear, system problems). It’s normal for a system to make some noise, if you are still concerned, contact us and we can diagnose the issue.

You should have a professional inspect your system at least once per year, but preferably twice a year (heating in the Fall, cooling in the Spring).

That is where we come in. We at 6221 HVAC are professionals with years of experience with HVAC systems. Head to our contact page and give us a call, we will be able to help you figure out what you need for your home.

Depending on how many people live in the house and whether you have pets (dogs and cats) you should replace your filters every 30-60 days.

Too much humidity can cause uncomfortable living experiences, condensation formation, mold, and allergens. Too little can be just as bad. Controlling humidity is a must. To learn what you can do to control your home’s humidity, contact us.

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